NanoSign system - Be independent!
Since its inception, Nanosign has been committed to promoting sustainability and green energy solutions. By providing environmentally friendly energy storage solutions, it aims to provide an exceptional experience in homes while also contributing to a sustainable future for our planet.
Specifications of our product:
Hungarian development, assembly
Own application development
Control with a smartphone
Independent inverter control for optimal charging of battery packs
Battery packs of different sizes
Expandable package modules
Our system operating in island mode with the operation of an intermediate loop
Needs assessment options
In the 21st century, solar power is becoming increasingly attractive to people and businesses for a number of reasons. That is why NanoSign Energy is working to develop technologies to make solar energy as widely available as possible, because it has many benefits:
Environmental protection: The energy from solar panels is clean and renewable, with zero carbon emissions compared to many other energy sources. Using such energy helps reduce your environmental impact and contributes to a more sustainable future.
Economic advantages: As prices fall, solar PV systems are becoming more affordable for both households and businesses. The efficiency of solar PV systems is increasing, so in the long term they can lead to significant savings on energy bills.
Independence: Solar systems allow households and businesses to become more independent from energy companies and produce their own energy. This is particularly important in regions or countries where energy supplies are unstable or difficult to access.
We can conclude that solar energy is the fuel of the 21st century. But it is important not only to use it on its own, but also to think of it as a system when using it, even in an island house. If we combine several technologies in our system, such as a heat pump and a solar panel, we can see that using them together can improve energy efficiency and economy.
More efficient energy use: The electrical energy produced by the solar panels can be combined with a heat pump for more efficient heat/cooling energy production, and can also be operated at different times in the system with the battery pack and its electronics. But the electricity generated by the solar panels can be used not only to power the heat pump but also all the electrical consumers.
Saving costs: By using an interconnected system managed as a single unit, energy use is self-sustaining for most of the year in an isolated system, resulting in significant cost savings in the long term. Put simply, with the clean electricity generated by the solar panels and the very efficient use of energy from the heat pump, you pay much less money to the electricity supplier.
Environmental protection: The use of a complete system is an environmentally friendly solution, as the electricity generated by the solar panels and the heat energy provided by the heat pump are both renewable energy sources. The use of an energy efficient system reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to protect the climate.
The way of thinking represented by NanoSign Energy aims to minimize dependence.
Island mode operation Solar Inverter with MPPT with Solar Charger 48VDC 230VAC 3000VA/3000W
Warranty: 36 months | Overheating protection: Yes | Surge protection: Yes | Status: New | Color: Black | Feedback: LED | Input Voltage: 48VDC | Output Voltage: 230VAC | Output frequency: 50Hz/60Hz | Output waveform: Pure sine wave (recommended for electric motors) | Efficiency: 98% | Usable power (continuously): 3000W | Instantaneous power (impulsive): 6000W | Basic energy consumption: 2W | Maximum charging current: 140A | Maximum PV voltage (VOC): 145VDC | Inverter efficiency: 90-93% | Charging voltage: 54.8V | PV voltage range for MPPT: 30-120VDC | Maximum PV power: 4000W | Maximum MPPT output: 80A