DEMIN-1500 portable demineralization unit
The DEMIN-1500 demineralization unit is used to demineralize the filling water of heating and cooling systems. The unit can be used for one-time charging of the system or for permanent installation within the specified technical parameters.
The unit is used to supply the heating system with demineralized water, not for permanent installation.
DEMIN-1500 complies with the current state of the art and the requirements of European standards.
• It is designed to treat the filling water of heating and cooling systems.
• 1000 l water capacity at 15°dH inlet water hardness.
• Possibility to check the depletion of the demineralizing resin charge.
Complies with EN14868 standard
The DEMIN-1500 demineralization unit is a cylindrical pressure vessel made of polypropylene. At the top of the vessel there is a manifold to connect the water inlet and outlet, which is provided with an external thread. Inside the vessel is a water
distribution system with a filter nozzle. The filter bed of the demineralization unit consists of a demineralizing insert - mixed ion exchange resin.
By treating the water on a mixing bed in the demineralization unit, the conductivity of the treated water can be 1-5 μS/cm depending on the quality of the inlet water and the operating conditions.
The unit includes a conductometer and a ball valve on the bypass. It is recommended to install a protective pre-filter with a fineness of 100 μm before the demineralization unit.
It is not necessary to calibrate the conductometer before using the product or at any other time, because the conductometer is calibrated at the factory.